“Our mission is to make PlanGo the premier platform for construction planning, team engagement, onsite execution, and knowledge transfer.”

PlanGo Team

The project schedule is the most underutilized resource in the construction industry. A great deal of experience and investment goes into the creation of a schedule, but without a tool like PlanGo, only a fraction of the schedule’s potential value is realized.

Pain Points and Solutions

  • On a typical construction site without PlanGo, critical construction information is siloed in texts, emails, spreadsheets, pdf's, note pads, individual phones and other devices, across multiple software platforms.

    With PlanGo, all field information is kept in PlanGo, accessible to all team members at all times.

  • On a typical construction site without PlanGo, lookaheads often do not refer to official schedule activities.

    With PlanGo’s, Lookaheads are built from the schedule, with PlanGo subactivities adding the detail needed for effective short-term planning. Subactivities are grouped with schedule actiivities, but do not become part of the official CPM schedule. Build your schedule with the right granularity for the CPM schedule, and build your LookAheads with the right granularity for in-field work.

  • Updating the schedule is frequently a task involving chasing down team members via phone, email, or text, and assembling the information that may come in any number of formats.

    With PlanGo, inspectors, foremen, and supervisors can update the schedule daily. When it’s time to create a new CPM schedule update, just export the month’s changes to P6 import format, review the changes, and import them to P6.

  • Without PlanGo, weekly and monthly reporting is a significant time-consuming task of assembling information from diverse sources in diverse formats, often requiring copying and pasting or re-entering the information, wasting time and risking error. And very often, field documentation of critical problems is not available to the person writing the report at the time of writing.

    With PlanGo, all of the information is available at all times, and with our GenAI report summarizer (scheduled for release in June 2024) you get Monthly Narrative-quality summaries in minutes.

  • All of the above issues are compounded in CIP programs or large construction firms where multiple projects are in progress simultaneously.

    PlanGo provides an easy to use platform for keeping everything tied to the schedule, and producing consistent work product outputs.

    In addition to schedule data, PlanGo allows you to enter basic budget and cost data, and PlanGo’s program-level reports include simple financial summaries for at-a-glance overview of both the operational and the financial status of entire portfolios.

Engage your team!

PlanGo provides a simple intuitive platform to share and collect progress updates and documentation from those tasked with executing the plan.

Eliminate Redundant Workflows

Distribute your updated CPM schedule to your team, actualize dates, update %Complete, run schedule quality checks, generate lookaheads, assign activities, run program-level reports, track budget and cost, generate narrative text with the help of AI, document as-built conditions and unforeseen circumstances … all with the push of a button.

Connect The Project Schedule To Your Daily Journal

PlanGo’s built-in project-level and program-level dashboards help ensure that you work is done correctly and efficiently. And if you need custom reports, PlanGo’s services division can create them for you at a fraction of the cost of doing it yourself.

What People Are Saying…

“Its intuitive interface and powerful features have streamlined how I administer project schedules with my project teams.”

— Dale Fritz, AES Construction Schedule Manager

“ PlanGo has been an invaluable asset in mitigating schedule risk, reporting, and managing our projects seamlessly..”

— Scott Lopian, Eastern Municipal Water District Sr. Construction Administrator

Contact us

Have a question, suggestion, or just want to say hello? Feel free to reach out to us anytime. Our dedicated support team is ready to assist you with any inquiries you may have. Drop us a message and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. Your feedback is valuable to us as we strive to continuously improve our platform to better serve you. We look forward to hearing from you!